Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Graduation Season!

The next weekend was my cousin Leah's graduation. We didn't make it to the graduation, but we did make it for the graduation BBQ. Actually, it fell at the same time as my cousin Tiffany's little boy's 2nd. birthday. So, it was a high school graduation/ 2nd Birthday Bash! My brother Clay and cousin Brandon relax in the pool catching up on missed time.
Little Alex celebrates his birthday by being the first one to swing at his humungus Sponge Bob pinata. It was about three times his size, but look at that swing stance. He is a born baseball player!
Mom sits back watching the volleyball game.

My sister-in-law Andrea and I attempt to play giant basketball. "Attempt" is the keyword. It's tougher than it looks to get that big ball in the hoop.

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