Saturday, January 31, 2009

Where does the time go?

So after months of not getting on my computer, I finally got some updated pictures on this blog. It's amazing how quickly time passes and how with the passing of time I find less and less time to get the things done that I used to. It seems I spend more and more of my time playing Peek-a-Boo, dollies, and dancing around the house than anything. Though, there's nothing else I love more than playing with our little girl. I hope you all enjoy the pictures!


Lynisha Weeda said...

I love that you're enjoying the peek-a-boo, dollies and dancing around the house your sweet baby girl!
Love the new pictures... can't believe how fast the time goes!

The J's said...

So happy to see an update!! She is such a little doll, and it was great to see pix! Hard to believe she's one already! Hold tight, and enjoy the playing. These years pass way too fast!

Jason, Sarah, Tristan, Wade, and Owen said...

Playing dollies and peek-a-boo is much more fun! Maybe someday soon our kids can do those things together! :) Jayden may have to play some dump truck and blocks, though. :)