Friday, March 28, 2008

Playing With Daddy!

Daddy takes Jayden around on his shoulders. She looks like she's having a blast, though I think her daddy is having the most fun.
Flat faces. Daddy plays with Jayden "smashing" their faces into the front door screen.
Jayden loves to play in her jungle bouncer.
Tomorrow she will be 12 weeks old. I can't believe how fast she is growing up!


Jeanette said...

She is ever so CUTE!
-The Cronks

The J's said...

Oh my, she's grown so much since you were here! She's SO CUTE! I love the way she's holding on to Matt's ear!
-Auntie Maxine-

Laura Jelinek said...

Man is she cute. So great to see pictures of you all. Thanks for blogging!
Love Laura

Lynisha Weeda said...

She's got the brightest eyes and sweetest smile!!! Thanks for sharing more =)

Jason, Sarah, Tristan, Wade, and Owen said...

Very Cute!!!!

Melissa O. said...

wow! she is growing fast. how are you guys?

Deana said...

She is so adorable, it was really nice to see you and her at the potluck yesterday!